Components Can .render() Other Components

class OMG extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Whooaa!</h1>;

class Crazy extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <OMG />;

importing Variables from External Files

import { varName } from './filePath.js';


You also need an export statement in the other file that contains the variable you're importing.

export comes from ES6's module system, like import does.

Named export

// Manifestos.js:

export const faveManifestos = {
  futurist: '',
  SCUM:     '',
  cyborg:   ''

export const alsoRan = 'TimeCube';

You can export multiple things from the same file.

In a different file, import the name of the var, let, const, function or class name from the first file.

// App.js:

// Import faveManifestos and alsoRan from ./Manifestos.js:
import { faveManifestos, alsoRan } from './Manifestos';

// Use faveManifestos:
console.log(`A Cyborg Manifesto:  ${faveManifestos.cyborg}`);

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