Pure Components

source: https://www.fullstackreact.com/30-days-of-react/day-11/

For more performance and simplicity, React _also _allows us to create pure, stateless components using a normal JavaScript function.

A _Pure _component can replace a component that only has a render function. Instead of making a full-blown component just to render some content to the screen, we can create a _pure _one instead.

_Pure _components are the simplest, fastest components we can write. They are easy to write, simple to reason about, and the quickest component we can write. Before we dive into _why _these are better, let's write one, or heck a couple!

// The simplest one
const HelloWorld = () => (<div>Hello world</div>);

// A Notification component
const Notification = (props) => {
  const {level, message} = props;
  const classNames = ['alert', 'alert-' + level]
  return (
    <div className={classNames}>

// In ES5
var ListItem = function(props) {
  var handleClick = function(event) {

  return (
    <div className="list">

Uhh... so why care?

Advantages to using functional components in React are:

  • We can do away with the heavy lifting of components, no constructor, state, life-cycle madness, etc.
  • There is no this keyword (i.e. no need to bind)
  • Presentational components (also called dumb components) emphasize UI over business logic (i.e. no state manipulation in the component)
  • Encourages building smaller, self-contained components
  • Highlights badly written code (for better refactoring)
  • They are easy to reuse

You might say why not use a functional component? Well, some of the disadvantage of using a functional component are some of the advantages:

  • No life-cycle callback hooks
  • Limited functionality
  • There is no this keyword

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